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ACLEDA Bank investment
Laos - 2 Year(s)
Price $100 @ 1 Unit
Profit Margin


Opening Date 2022/08/22 12:00:AM
Closing Date 2022/06/20 12:00:AM


In accordance with Licence N° 01/BIS issued by the NBC on December 01, 2003 and in accordance with Approval N° 052 issued on January 12, 2004 by the Ministry of Commerce, the Bank increased its total registered share capital from US$4 million to US$13 million, represented by 13 million ordinary shares, each having an issue price of US$1 (2002: US$10).


AFT succeeded ACLEDA NGO under the "Sub-Decree No: 476 Or Nor Kror Bor Kor, dated August 26, 2013 on the Financial Trusts" of the Royal Government of Cambodia, and the "Prakas No: 1041 Sar Hor Vor Bror Kor, dated September 26, 2014 on the Management and Monitoring of Financial Trusts" of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The certificate No: 269 Sar Hor Vor Or Ouk Hor, dated August 19, 2015 was also obtained from the Ministry of Economy and Finance with its registered office at #61, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Srah Chork, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.

The purpose and role of AFT are to:

  • Create opportunities for employment and income sources to contribute to Cambodian economic development;
  • Promote and support the advancement of the sciences related to economic development including finance and banking, and with a focus on financial inclusion and financial literacy;
  • Promote economic and educational opportunities for youth and low income populations;
  • Contribute to improved financial services through ACLEDA Bank Plc. and associated entities, in order to stimulate the local economy.

AFT acts as one of the shareholders of ACLEDA Bank Plc. that is established under the laws of the Royal Government of Cambodia, in order to encourage adherence of ACLEDA Bank Plc. to the original objective to support Cambodian micro, small and medium entrepreneurs and to maintain Cambodian nationality of ACLEDA Bank Plc. AFT shall pursue directly and exclusively the aforementioned objectives. It shall act altruistically and shall not primarily pursue objectives for its own private commercial interests. AFT is non-political and not affiliated with any political party. It may use its financial means only for the purposes set out in these statutes. No individual may benefit from any disproportionately high remuneration or from an expense, which is not consistent with the AFT's purposes.

Category: Bank
Insurance: Yes

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